CBSE Board Exam 2022 Stress Management Tips
These CBSE Board Exam 2022 stress management tips help you score 100 per cent
CBSE Class 10 and Class 12 board exams started. A student can have exam stress and therefore we offer tips to overcome the exam stress that will really help you score well.
1. Study on a daily basis:
The first and the foremost reason for exam stress is not being prepared for it, being the result of not studying on a daily and regular basis. Students must revise what has been taught in the school on a daily basis in their homes.
2. Check the pattern of previous year papers:
Get yourself a set of previous year papers. Examine and understand the pattern of questions asked. Thus one can see these to get a picture of what's more important and will simplify your learning to areas of descriptive and objective questions.
3. Revise
Revision is must before exams. It can be fun learning if the student visualises at bed time what all he has studied and practised during the day. Sunday should be given to revision done for the whole week. Similarly, all covered during the full month must be revised after the month end. This point if done satisfactorily will pave your way for the final exams.
4. Solve a set of mock tests:
Get some model papers and try to solve them in the time duration. Students are advised to take at least 4-5 mock tests before the commencement of final exams. Let's say if the exam duration is 3 hours, try to solve the exam 15 minutes earlier so that you can have a good time for the final examination.
5. Meditation and Pranayam:
As meditation and pranayam boost the brain's capacity to work for long hours, it is recommended to practise Meditation and Pranayam.
6. Do not forget Leisure time:
Get a real schedule for you, do not be in your studies for long hours or for the full day, you must have some time for TV, sports and interests. Parents can also help their wards during the exams. Have realistic expectations from your child. Why this point is of importance is because there are a number of career options today and it is just not good and mandatory to be good only in studies. See if your child has his/ her passion elsewhere and then let him / her go for it.
It is recommended to not let your child work against his biological clock - it means days are meant for work, and nights for sleep and rest. Most importantly, exams are not the end of the world. Just keeping on enjoying your studies, have faith in God and no doubt, you will definitely score well in CBSE board exams.